Jay Martin
- U.S. Air Force
- Entered active duty as an officer in Dec. 1989. Spent 11 years as a pilot, flying B-52s, T-38s, T-37s
- Faculty US Army Command & General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth KS
- Air Liaison Officer and Squadron Commander in Central Iraq in 2009-2010
- Bronze Star service in Iraq
- Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Retired as a Lt Colonel 2010
- Class of 1984
Service 1989-2010
Norman A. Rishel, Jr.
- U.S. Army
- Basic training at Fort Benning, Ga.
- Class of 1984
Dana Snipes - Trotter
- U.S. Army
- Rank CW2
- Served as a 92A, Logistics Management Specialist and then as a Chief Warrant Officer, 920B
- Served in Operation Desert Shield/Storm & Operation Enduring Freedom
- Retired December 31, 2009
- Class of 1984
Service 1984-2009
